Sunday, September 20, 2009

Better than I could have said it...

Great review of coolababys vs rainbow bbs. I added my two cents to the comments section....I'll add more here after I test out these rainbow bbs.

Friday, September 11, 2009


My rumparooz arrived the other day and I've loved them so far. The fleece lining is extra soft fleecy, and the poo just seemed to rinse right off. I can't believe how much better quality the materials are compared to my coolababys. The PUL lining is clearly made for more heavy duty action, and the material stretches much easier. There are more fit options as well, with four lengthwise settings as opposed to three. The fit is a little bulkier, but worth it for those extra inner gussets. I appreciate the choices in absorbency the 6*R system gives. Right now I'm stuffing the pocket with the tabs closed for extra protection in the front, then folding the smaller insert over and laying it in the diaper when I want extra coverage. No leaks all night last night. I did write and ask for more specific washing instructions and was interested to learn that baking soda is the only additive they won't honor the guarantee with. No more baking soda then I guess!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

GiVeAwAy! Not mine...or TAMNs...but just as good

A new cloth diaper business just opened up in my area. They feature rumparooz, which I ordered from another site a few days ago. I can't wait to try them, and am excited to know of a local distributor. Check out their giveaway at . Good luck to Tonya in her new business. Good luck to me in the giveaway...I need a stylish wet bag. Tonya--I hope you will carry these soon!

Introduction...Drumroll please....

Certainly I care about the shape of my world, but I'll be honest and say that these days I'm caring about the shape of my pocketbook a tad bit more. I work part time and I cloth diaper my 8 month old son. When I started CDing the only info I had was what I could find online...maybe you're having the same experience. This blog is dedicated to the things I love in the cloth diaper world, what I have learned, and what I can't wait to try.